
The fellowships are designed to provide the basis for an academic career, however, we certainly understand that many individuals have not yet made up their mind regarding career plans and use the fellowship to make a final determination regarding academics versus private practice.

The individual should realize that our fellowships are structured to provide the basis for an academic career and, therefore, significant emphasis is placed upon research activities (both clinical and laboratory), publication, presentations, and teaching at both medical student and resident levels.

I chose Duke for fellowship because it is a large referral center with diverse pathology, unparalleled technology, and first-class faculty. yet it is set in a relaxed, livable, and vibrant city.

Christine M. Iseman, M.D.
Abdominal Imaging Fellow 2013-2014

The Department of Radiology at Duke University Medical Center offers the following fellowship training programs

Candidates applying for non-ACGME fellowships (Abdominal, Breast, Cardiothoracic, and Musculoskeletal Imaging) must meet the following criteria:

  1. Successful completion of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE); this applies to both US and foreign medical graduates.
  2. Must be ABR-eligible.
  3. Qualify for a DEA number .
  4. Qualify for a North Carolina medical license.
    Note:  Candidates who are graduates of a non-US or non-Canadian medical school must have completed 3 consecutive years of medical training at a US or Canadian accredited medical center in order to obtain a North Carolina medical license. Faculty-limited licensure is not available for a fellowship training position.


For Fellowship verification please see individual divisional fellowship pages.