Daniele Marin, M.D., Co-Director
Principal Investigator
Associate Professor of Radiology
Member of the Duke Cancer Institute



Our mission is to develop, investigate, and apply post-processing technology that provides innovative, high quality and reproducible visualizations and analyses which support enhanced patient care and enable research and education.

We are committed to:

  • Leadership in discovery and application of advanced multi-dimensional image processing techniques for the benefit of patients
  • Providing a collaborative, multidisciplinary environment that values creativity and professional growth
  • Training future leaders in multi-dimensional image processing
  • Abiding by the highest ethics and standards in performing our mission


Duke Multi-Dimensional Imaging Lab offers post-processing services for any Computed Tomography (CT) or Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) angiographic study scanned at our institution. We will also provide this service for any non-angiographic CT or MRI study with a valid order by an MD.

Post-processing may include multi-planar reformations, maximum intensity projections, volume rendering, and quantitative analysis. On request, longitudinal reports will be provided to demonstrate changes in anatomical or pathological conditions over time. We also offer referring physicians access to 3D tools so they may interact with the exam data in real time.

Please contact the Multi-D Lab at  919-668-6337 with questions about ordering 3D studies.


The Multiā€¢D Lab provides the service of de-identification of medical imaging data for research protocols to comply with HIPAA requirements, Good Clinical Practice (GCP), and DICOM standards. Our expertise in image processing and clinical research ensures that images are properly de-identified in order to:

  • Protect the confidentiality of individuals participating in research
  • Comply with GCP by providing an audit trail for traceability
  • Maintain the integrity of modified image data

If your research project requires sending imaging studies outside the institution (i.e. to a sponsor or an imaging CRO), please email the lab at: radiologydeid@dm.duke.edu or call 919-668-6337.


The Multi-D Lab offers efficient reporting for RECIST tumor response assessments in a web-based tumor measurement application. Study coordinators may gain access to the RECIST reporting system by calling the lab at 919-668-6337

Pricing as of July 2024

RECIST 1.1, iRANO, iRECIST, IRRC, irRECIST, mRECIST, RECIST 1.1 BiDem, immune-modified RECIST, = $300 per re-read

Cheson, Mesothelioma, Synta, WHO, PCWG2, PCWG3 = $450 per re-read

Bone Scans and PET requiring SUV = $600 per re-read

Expedited Re-reads (earlier than 48 hours) = an extra $150 charge per re-read

No legacy pricing.


The Multi-D Lab offers a variety of visiting fellowship options for interested M.D.s, technologists, engineers, and students. For complete details, please see our  Multi-D Visiting Fellowship Brochure  or you may contact us at 919-668-6337


We are located in the Hock Plaza Building, near Duke Medical Center. Parking is available behind the building with advanced reservations. Please contact https://parking.duke.edu/contact-us/ for your parking reservation.



2424 Erwin Road, Suite 402, Durham, NC 27705
Phone: 919-668-6337
Fax: (919) 660-0421


Lab Directors

Dr. Daniele Marin, MD    
Medical Director    
Phone: (919) 684-7366

Operations Support     

Pamela Stanback    
Administrative Assistant    
Phone: (919) 681-0492

3D Technologists   

Susan Churchill, BSRT (R)(N)(CT)    
Phone: (919) 668-5120

Michael Bowling, RT (R)(CT)(MRI)
Phone: (919) 660-0424

Nicole Horn, BS; RT(R)(CT)(N),CNMT
Phone: (919) 660-0425

Claire N. Miller, BSRT (R)(CT)
3D Technologist
Phone: (919) 660-0426

Amanda Selover, BSRT(R)(CT)
3D Technologist
Phone: (919) 660-0424

Denise Garman BSRT,(MR)(CT)
3D Technologist
Phone: (919) 660-0425

Terry W. Poole RT(R)(CT)
3D Technologist
Phone: (919) 660-0424

Lucas Araujo MSRS RRA (R)(CT)(MR)
3D Technologist
Phone: (919) 660-0424

Information Technology

IT Systems
Phone: (919) 684-2243