As a valued patient of Duke Health, we want you to know that the Private Diagnostic Clinic (PDC) will be joining Duke University Health System (DUHS) effective July 1, 2023. This is a historic milestone for Duke, and will simplify and align our operations to better serve patients. This means that your PDC provider will be a part of the same health system as other Duke Health providers, including Duke hospitals and Duke Primary Care, effective July 1st, 2023.
Please be aware that you may receive a notice from your health insurance company that your provider will be out of network (OON). This messaging may occur during the pre-authorization process for your imaging appointment. Please know that all PDC providers will remain in network and your care should not be impacted. You can continue to see your same providers at the same Duke locations.
All appointments including Breast Imaging, CT, MRI, and Ultrasound are scheduled by a referring physician’s office through Radiology Centralized Scheduling at (919) 684-7999.
For complete information regarding insurance, billing, and financial assistance, please visit Paying for Care.
If you cannot find what you are looking for or have additional questions, please call our Customer Service Center at (919) 620-4555 (local) or 1-800-782-6945 (toll-free), 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.
Due to COVID-19, we are changing our processes to assist you. If you would like to request a copy of your radiology studies from a Duke Health entity, please use the information below. Please do not come into the hospital to request copies of radiology images.
Duke University Hospital, Department of Radiology is pleased to offer patients contactless transfer of radiology images. Patients may request images to be sent to their homes or to the physician’s office. Our goal is to transfer radiology images between patients, hospitals, and physicians, securely, always protecting patient privacy in the most efficient manner possible.
Since 2016 Duke Health has expanded its image transfer network to more than 196 hospitals, imaging facilities, and physician offices throughout the state of North Carolina and more than 750 entities nationwide. Through a secure “cloud-based” network we transfer thousands of radiology studies each month.
Patients may submit a request to have their radiology images sent to any healthcare provider by one of the following options:
- Duke MyChart – For your convenience, you may send a message to request your images be transferred electronically to another hospital using the Duke MyChart patient portal. In your message, please include the name and address of the facility to receive your radiology images. For the fastest service be sure to ask that your images be sent by electronic image transfer. If you are a new Duke MyChart user and would like to sign up to create an account, please click here.
- Submit an Authorization to Release Protected Health Information form to the Duke Health Information Management Department. For complete details regarding “How to request your medical records”, please click here.
- Submit a signed letter to the Duke Radiology Imaging Library by email, fax, or US mail.
- The letter must contain:
- Patient's full name, date of birth, and Duke medical record number if available.
- Name and address of the healthcare provider to receive your images by electronic image transfer.
- Radiology study(ies) and date(s) to be sent electronically.
- Signature of the patient or legal guardian, and date. If you are submitting a request on behalf of an adult for whom you are the executor or the power of attorney, a copy of your legal documentation must be provided.
- Send a letter to:
Duke University Hospital
Radiology Image Library
2301 Erwin Road
Box 3808
Durham, NC 27710
Phone: (919) 684-7860
Fax: (919) 684-7139
- The letter must contain:
Tech-savvy patients who already have their images on CD or flash drive may upload their images to Duke.
The exchanging of CD\DVDs between Duke and other facilities can be problematic. Duke encourages patients to exchange their studies via an electronic methodology to eliminate the need to handle a CD or DVD of their images.
Four options exist:
Patient Nuance PowerShare Easy CD Uploaded
The Nuance EasyCd uploader allows a patient to upload their studies directly to their Duke PowerShare account from their computer. Unlike a Nuance Temporary account, using this link a patient does not need a temporary or personal Nuance Account. The link does not create an account but allows the patient direct access to a Duke PowerShare account for the purpose of uploading studies ONLY. Each time the patient uses the link it will send a new authorization code.

Your images will be visible to your provider as soon as your upload is complete. Studies are stored for 45 days in the PowerShare cloud.
The EasyCD uploader links do NOT allow a patient to:
- Have images shared with them from Duke
- Download their images or reports from the Duke PowerShare account
- Share Images with other PowerShare sites, providers, or facilities
Nuance PowerShare EasyCD Uploaded
PowerShare Temporary account (Facilities only):
A PowerShare Temporary account is only used by facilities outside Duke that do not have a PowerShare Account. The Temporary accounts allow the outside facilities to upload studies or receive studies from Duke. These accounts are temporary, expire (typically 2 weeks but can be shorter), and have to be created by the Image Library Staff. The Temporary accounts are not to be used by Patients. Patients should either use the EasyCD Uploader (if they have copies of their images) or create a Free Patient Nuance account.
Please contact the Radiology Image Library Manager at (919) 684-7689 or a Team Lead at (919) 684-7266.
We can create a “temporary” account in Duke Powershare to allow you to upload your images. You will be asked for your full name and valid email address, as well as the Duke provider who is expecting your images. You will receive an email with a secure link that will allow you to upload images to Duke. Your images will be visible to your provider as soon as your upload is complete.
Patient Nuance PowerShare Account (Free)
A patient can sign up for a free patient account through Nuance. The patient account has several advantages:
- Patient benefits:
- No cost to the patient (Free).
- Able to receive/share an unlimited number of DICOM studies/images.
- Upload studies/images from their computer to PowerShare to share with Duke or other Nuance PowerShare sites.
- Studies/images are stored for 45 days in the Nuance Powershare secure cloud site.
- Eliminates the need for a CD/DVD, USB drive, or Film to share the images.
The free Patient account allows a patient to receive their images from Duke or other PowerShare facilities and if they choose, can download or create their own CD\DVD’s or USB of their images.
Nuance PowerShare Patient Account SignUp/Register
Nuance PowerShare sharing between Other PowerShare sites
Patients can opt to call the Duke Image Library and request their Duke images be shared with other sites that are using PowerShare. The Image Library can assist in determining if a site is on PowerShare and if we can share it with them.
If you have any questions about the EasyCD Uploader or Nuance Patient accounts. Please contact the Radiology Image Library Manager at (919) 684-7689 or a Team Lead at (919) 684-7266.
Duke Raleigh Image Library – 919-954-3371, hours of operation 7:00 am-4:30 pm (M-F)
Duke Regional Image Library – 919-470-5251, hours of operation 8:00 am-4:00 pm (M-F)
Facilities needing to create a Nuance Temporary account can reach out to the Radiology Team leads at 919-684-7266.
View or print your records, including radiologic imaging studies, from the Duke MyChart patient portal. If you are a new Duke MyChart user and would like to sign up to create an account, please click here.
Duke will provide your radiologic study or other medical records on CD upon written request. Click here for further details.
Duke University Hospital
Radiology Image Library
2301 Erwin Road
Box 3808
Durham, NC 27710
Phone: (919) 684-7274 Option 1 or (919) 684-7860
Fax: (919) 684-7139
EMAIL: DUHSImageLibrary@dm.duke.edu