The residency in diagnostic radiology at Duke University is a five-year combined residency and fellowship program which accepts 10 residents per class. A one year preliminary or rotating internship is a prerequisite.
Duke Radiology is a pioneer in residency education. Our innovative “Duke 3/2 Program,” which was the first of its kind when it was developed nearly 20 years ago, provides three years of rigorous training in general diagnostic radiology and the option of two years of subspecialty training, which includes a flexible fourth year (R4/PGY-5). Residents can dedicate nearly 10 months of time in their R4/PGY-5 year to vigorous and novel scientific research investigation, specialty pathways including our ESIR curriculum, our 16-month dual certification pathway in diagnostic radiology and nuclear medicine, and one of our many available mini-fellowships. Residents can also participate in a global-health elective through the Duke Global Health Institute.
Our program continues to evolve to meet the needs of our residents and ensure they are among the most competitive and strongest applicants entering the field of radiology following graduation. We believe this curriculum is well suited to adapt to the ever-changing practice of radiology and will strengthen and secure our field for future generations.
We encourage you to explore this website to learn more about our curriculum and the various opportunities that await you as a Duke resident.

Clinical Training
Duke residents are exposed to a wide breadth of pathology, ranging from the complex transplant patients of Duke’s renowned surgical services to patients with more run-of-the-mill problems like ACL tears.

Residents are encouraged to use dedicated research time to follow their intellectual passion. In addition to hypothesis driven research, residents have written books, created educational websites, and pursued global health imaging projects.

Duke Radiology has long held resident education among its highest priorities. Here, you will receive one-on-one teaching by experts in each of the traditional clinical divisions of radiology.

Leadership and Service
Our residents are active and integral members of our hospital, local, national, and global communities.

Benefits and Moonlighting
Duke Radiology and Duke GME provide residents with a multitude of personal, educational, and financial benefits.
We sincerely hope that you will consider joining our Duke Radiology community.
Please click on the link below to learn about our application and interview process. We also encourage you to contact us for more information about our program.