Duke Radiology hosted its first Duke STEM experience for high school students on 4/16/2019. We hosted 15 URM students from Dudley High School to experience the “real life” application of math and science to the fields of clinical medicine, electrical engineering, and biology research. This event was organized by Dr. Joseph Lo, Associate Vice-Chair of Research, Taylor Smith, PhD student in the medical physics graduate program, and Bernice Addae, the teacher for this AP Calculus class from Dudley.
At the Duke Medical Center, students observed the operation of an MRI scanner with Dr. Scott Robertson and Dr. Joe Davis, and attended a talk on the state-of-the-art in medical imaging by Dr. Lisa Ho. On Duke Campus, the students toured the Pratt School of Engineering with Ben Jackson and Developmental & Stem Cell Biology with Ceri Weber and AJ Massri. The students also visited the beautiful Duke Chapel.
Thanks to the big cast of characters who helped to make this complex operation possible: Isabella Duarte, Jean Shaffer, Raven Boykin, Mustafa Bashir MD, Jennifer Ganley, Jennifer McKey PhD, Corey Bunce, and Jim Dobbins.