The Duke Department of Radiology is proud to fund the Charles E. Putman M.D. Vision Award, an annual grant aimed at supporting new and promising research opportunities for faculty in the Department of Radiology at Duke University.
Dr. Putman was Chairman of the Duke Department of Radiology from 1977 to 1985. During his tenure at Duke, he led Duke Radiology into the highest echelons of excellence in clinical care, teaching, and academics. As former Duke University President Nannerl Keohane recalled: “He was a brilliant scientist whose path-breaking work in imaging was world-renowned. While he was a national leader in research policy, he was first and foremost a physician who cared deeply about his patients. His compassionate caring for so many people and his strong leadership of the university’s research enterprise made an enormous difference to Duke. No one loved Duke more nor was more dedicated to our university than Charles.”
The goal of the Putman Vision Award program is to encourage research that will inform and improve the practice of Radiology, foster new collaborations between research and clinical faculty in Radiology, and allow investigators to develop preliminary data that will support future proposals for external funding. Proposals may span the spectrum from basic, clinical or translational research to health services.
- Proposals need not have IRB or IACUC approval at the time of submission. The likelihood of obtaining approval, however, will be taken into consideration by the reviewers. IRB or IACUC approval, if needed, must be obtained before funds are disbursed.
- Reviewers will score proposals more favorably if they represent a new collaboration between clinical faculty and research faculty in Duke Radiology, with both the research faculty and clinical faculty being co-PIs on the proposal. For the purposes of this award, collaborations will be considered new if: (1) the two co-PIs have not been co-authors on a similar academic topic within the last 3 years (excluding case reports and reviews) and (2) neither of the two co-PIs has a federal grant (NIH, DOD, NSF, etc.) that is either awarded or actively in a submission on which one is the principal investigator and the other an investigator or co-PI. Reviewers will score proposals more favorably when both co-PIs have significant leadership of and/or intellectual input into grant activities. If appropriate, please describe the role of both co-PIs in “Description of Investigators” section of the proposal.
- Reviewers will score proposals more favorably if they include Duke Radiology residents and/or fellows and provide an opportunity for them to gain research experience.
- Although developing collaborations outside of Duke Radiology is a laudable career goal, this Award program favors collaboration within the Department. If significant expenditures and/or collaborations outside of Duke Radiology are planned, these should be very carefully justified in the context of the goals of this program.
Allowable Costs
Up to $30,000 (including indirect costs) for a one-year period. The appropriate budget justification is required. Applicants should work with Radiology Business Office staff to prepare the proposed study budget. Proposals may support research staff, equipment, or supplies, but no effort of the PI or co-PIs.
Proposal due date: April 21, 2023
Award decision date: June 1, 2023
Funding period: July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024
Please utilize the NIH format for biosketch and research strategy and the attached budget template. Submit the proposal as a single PDF or Microsoft Word file. Title the file with the PI(s) last name(s), followed by: – 2023 Putman Vision Award Proposal. (e.g.: Doe, Smith – 2023 Putman Vision Award Proposal)
- Abstract of 300 words or fewer outlining the rationale for the proposal, methods, and how the results of this pilot research will assist you in obtaining peer-reviewed external funding.
- NIH biosketch(es) for you and each of your faculty collaborators, no more than 5 pages per investigator.
- Budget with 1-page justification.
- 3-page or less proposal including:
- Specific Aims of this proposal.
- Significance, including the background of issues you are addressing and how this research will inform the field and/or provide data to support further research.
- Innovation, how this research changes current clinical or research paradigms.
- Approach, including plans for analysis.
- Description of Investigator(s), including a summary of relevant experience in this area.
- Plans for Future Funding, including specific grants, agencies, and projected timing of proposal submission
- Pages that may be added at the end of the proposal, at the discretion of the investigators:
- Up to one page of references
- Up to one page of figures with figure legends
To Apply
Please send your proposal and budget to Steven Shipes, Radiology Research Practice manager, at steven.shipes@duke.edu.
For inquiries, please contact:
Mustafa R. Bashir, MD
Associate Vice-Chair of Research
Joseph Y. Lo, PhD
Vice-Chair of Research
Review Process and Criteria
An ad-hoc committee chosen from Duke Radiology faculty will review the proposals, and the highest evaluated proposals will be submitted to the Chair of Radiology, the Vice-Chairs of Research for Radiology, and the Radiology CRU Medical Director for a final funding decision. Reviewers will critique proposals on basis of feasibility, scientific merit, the likelihood of the proposal forming a sustained collaboration, and the likelihood of the proposal leading to external grant funding. The review committee has the option of declining to fund the Award for a given year.
Progress Reports
As part of the award, the PI(s) commits to providing two progress reports during and immediately after the funding period, on or before the dates listed below. Each progress report must include the following components:
- Specific aims as originally approved
- Narrative description regarding progress on the project, milestones achieved, the timeline for completion of the remainder of the project if applicable, and planned future directions, especially with regard to future externally funded proposals (no more than 1 page).
- Description of the current status of spending on the project fund code, as well as remaining expenses (no more than ½ page).
Progress report due: January 15, 2024
Final report due: September 1, 2024
Grand Rounds Presentation
As part of the award, the PI(s) commits to providing giving a Grand Rounds presentation describing the projects and its findings. The PI(s) must contact the leadership of the Grand Rounds Committee in March 2024 to schedule this presentation, which is anticipated to be given in the first half of the calendar year 2025 if not sooner.
Any presentations and publications supported by this program must cite “Charles E. Putman MD Vision Award of the Department of Radiology, Duke University School of Medicine” in the acknowledgments.