Pictures and posts tell a story, but never the whole story. Many of our educators are known around the country and around the world. They are all so different, yet they have some things in common. They lead by example, they help the early learners, they want to continuously improve patient care, and they are humble enough to learn from their "students." You'll see pictures and posts... and we'll do the best we can to highlight the work of our educators, but sometimes you just have to be here to get it. (Yes that is an invitation). This is not a recruitment post, it's just a thought-provoking seed planted by an observant and very fulfilled Duke Radiology team member.
Thank you, NRTW 2021 educators - Cody Malley, PA-C, ATC, Jennifer Freedman Ph.D., Don Frush, MD, Karen Johnson, MD, FSBI, Terrance Wong, MD, Ph.D., Nicole Lafata, MS, DABR, James Voyvodic, Ph.D., Sanne Henninger, MSW (LCSW), Benjamin Wildman-Tobriner, MD, Kenneth Lyles, MD.