NIH-funded R38 StARR Grant Awarded to Russell Thompson, MD, PhD., and Ryan Meyerhoff, MD, PhD.

"Beginning in July 2020, the Departments of Radiation Oncology and Radiology offered the new Duke R38 Research Pathway for residents committed to a career as a physician investigator. This NIH-funded, ABR-approved opportunity incorporates additional training and funding for at least 12 months of protected time for research sponsored via an NCI R38 Stimulating Access to Research in Residency (StARR) grant."

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Thompson and Dr. Meyerhoff were each awarded this grant! Congratulations!

Ryan  Meyerhoff headshot

Dr. Meyerhoff's project is titled:  "High throughput single cell analysis of the tumor microenvironment permissive for tumoral plasma cell accumulation and isolation of tumor-reactive antibodies in patients with soft tissue sarcoma following combined radiotherapy and immunotherapy."

Russell Thompson headshot

Dr. Thompson's project is titled "Development of a novel biomaterial to improve patient outcomes following image-guided vertebral body augmentation for painful or function-limiting compression fractures."
